The Minister of Aviation, Sen. Hadi Sirika has said through efficient utilization of scarce resources, the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet) has achieved significant weather forecast infrastructure and accurate weather prediction capability in Nigeria.
Sirika also said through effective leadership, NiMet has been able to develop high impacts products as well also to help provide capacities to other African countries, especially within the sub-region.
Sirika stated this during the 76th Session of the World Meteorology Organisation (WMO) Executive Council held at the WMO Headquarters, in Geneva, Switzerland on Thursday.
He also indicated that has achieved that much because of the effective political support which he has provided for about eight years as a Minister of Aviation.
Sirika remarked that “one practice that has enabled Meteorological development in Nigeria is the strong synergy and support between the Political Class (which I represent) and the Expert (represented by Prof. Matazu). We strive to ensure we have the right leadership at the helm of affairs of the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet), and the Agency under the leadership of Mansur Matazu, has also demonstrated commitment to excellence by judicious utilisation of resources, broad stakeholders’ engagements, and result-oriented goals with clearly detailed regular reporting.”
“During my time, NiMet has grown in size, visibility, and relevance, not only in Nigerian but in the region and indeed globally” he stated further.
He said New products have been introduced by the Agency. “These include Seasonal Climate Prediction (including its Summary for Policy Makers and translated version), the State of the Climate in Nigeria, Climate and Health Bulletin, Hydrometeorological bulletin, Agrometeorological bulletin, Extreme Weather Events Bulletin, Marine meteorological bulletin, 3-day Impact based Forecast and many more on different timescales and validity.”
Sirika noted that “these products and many more tailored services have generated lots of interest within the nation up to the Presidency that culminated into the President Personally commissioning a national Meteorological Institute of Science and Technology in his home State and in his honour.”
“There is increased inter-Agency synergy along the Climate Services Value Chain, bringing together the meteorological, hydrological, disaster management, and all responders together as we develop and practice Multi-hazard Early Warning System for All Nigerians. NiMet forecasts provide basis for the Annual Flood Outlook and Disaster Preparedness in Nigeria by both Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency and National Emergency Management Agency (who are both in two separate Ministries of Governments)” he stated.
He said NiMet has provided interventions in Liberia, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Malawi in terms of Capacity Building, Technical Assistance, Quality Management Systems, and Competency framework.
“We have successfully hosted, provided leadership, and participated in Regional Climate Outlook Forums. Nigeria was recently part of and led the Country Hydromet Diagnostic (CHD) in Liberia and Sierra Leone, we hosted a Study Visit by both the National Meteorological Services of the Republic of Niger and The Gambia, we provided hosting support for the WMO HydroSOS initiative and earnestly working to take the initiative to the implementation phase, and just on Tuesday, we are part of the SOFF Initiative as well” he said.